SDG Target 12.3
Target 12.3
Responsible Consumption
Approximately 40% of all food intended for human consumption is lost or wasted from the point it is produced until it reaches our tables. This significant level of inefficiency carries far-reaching economic, social, and environmental consequences. The impact is staggering, with food loss and waste amounting to approximately $1.2 trillion (according to the FAO) in economic losses annually. Moreover, it exacerbates issues of food insecurity and malnutrition. The resources wasted on food that ultimately goes unused, such as water and land, are immense – accounting for about a quarter of all water used in agriculture and requiring land equivalent to the size of China. Additionally, this waste contributes to an estimated 8 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions.

SDG Target 12.3 By 2030
HALVE per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels & REDUCE food losses along production and supply chains (including post-harvest losses)

Addressing Food Loss & Waste is a ‘Triple Win’
Addressing this issue of food loss and waste presents a ‘triple win’ scenario. By reducing waste, significant savings can be achieved for farmers, companies, and households alike. Cutting down on waste means more food is available for consumption, thereby addressing hunger. Furthermore, these reductions alleviate strain on climate, water, and land resources, promoting a more sustainable future.

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